We are excited to bring you EverBright News, our free weekly newsletter for children that will share big news of the week, without bias and appropriate for kids.


It's Mother's Day!


Today is a day to honor mothers and celebrate our moms! The idea for a day devoted to moms has been around since the 1850’s, but it was not until 1908 that a woman named Anna Jarvis made the first official celebration in Grafton, West Virginia. For 6 years she made it bigger and better until President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day a national holiday in 1914.

The day was originally intended to celebrate your own mom, but now it has grown to a day celebrating all mothers and motherhood in general. It is observed in over 40 countries around the world at different times of the year. In the U.S. we celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May, so be sure and show your love and appreciation to the “moms” in your life today!


Unlikely Best Friend


It was love at first sight for a one-year-old stray pup. No one is sure how the Labrador mix first spotted his forever friend inside a North Carolina store, but once he did there was no stopping the pup from trying to get it! The adorable dog made at least five attempts to get the stuffed purple unicorn from a toy aisle at a Dollar General. Each time he would sneak through the door, go through the whole store and straight to the same stuffed animal.

After gently shooing the dog out each time, the store manager finally felt he needed to call Animal Services. When Samantha Lane arrived to “apprehend the thief” she found him in the parking lot, waiting for his opportunity to sneak in for the toy. She could not bear to see the heartbroken puppy, so she bought the unicorn toy, placed it on the front seat in her truck, and the stray pup followed right along.


The staff at the shelter named the dog Sisu. They posted several heartwarming photos of him with his stuffed friend on Facebook and the posts went viral. Within five days Sisu had been adopted by a loving local family. He is currently being house trained before he goes to live with them. In the meantime, Sisu has received numerous purple unicorn toys from generous donors who want to make sure the sweet pup is never without his favorite friend again.


Time for a Little Cleaning!


If the mess has been piling up in your room, you are in luck! There is a day just for you – National Clean Up Your Room Day, and that day is Monday, May 10th! The tradition of a good spring-cleaning has been around from the days when people relied on fire to light and heat their homes through winter. After spending months inside with no fresh air much of the home would be covered in ash and soot, so on the first warm spring day the whole family would get to work.

They would clean the house from top to bottom, moving all the furniture out, beating dirt out of rugs, and scrubbing walls. This became known as “spring cleaning”. If your room has had a long winter and a little (or a lot!) of dirt and mess has piled up, then get motivated and get cleaning! You can start small and tackle a closet or go big and get your room sparkling all over. Either way it will be worth the effort when you enjoy the reward of your hard work – a neat, organized space!


Top States for Pizza


Did you know that there is actually a ranking of the best states in America for pizza? Most people think of traditional fan favorites like New York style pizza or Chicago pizza, but according to Food &Wine Magazine the best place for pizza is New Jersey! "New Jersey is the best place to eat pizza in the country right now. The state is one in an elite group remaining true to their heritage," says senior editor David Landsel in his rankings.

He praised several Jersey pizzerias for their creative, yet traditional, pizzas. The number 2 spot in the country went to Connecticut, another unlikely state for pizza power! New York grabbed third place, followed by Chicago in fourth. Other top states for pizza included California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, and Massachusetts. Next time you check out one of your own local pizzerias take time to think how they compare to pizza styles around the country!


Help Your Child Unlock Their Entrepreneurial Spirit!


Do you have a creative child?  Now, you can help foster that creativity and encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in your kids with The Kids Guide to Entrepreneurship & Innovation!


This free guide will help your kids learn how to channel their creativity into great business ideas, while showing how they can change the world as entrepreneurs!  As an added bonus, your kids will enjoy unlimited access to Learn Our History’s fun, animated “America's Greatest Inventors" video and digital workbook when you order!


This special offer is only available while supplies last, so hurry and give your kids a gift that could change their lives! Click the link for full details of this offer!

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